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Shine: A Woman Of Purpose

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A Personality With Purpose

And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong]. Luke 11:4a AMP

Thus far through following this series, you should notice at least a few themes in your experience. Hopefully, you are journaling your observations. In this section, you will take a typical personality test to the next level. You know that people are chosen for different reasons (Ephesians 4:11).

You may be an accountant. A tax firm is not a food pantry for the homeless; that does not stop you from donating a portion of your wages to a charity that serves the community. You could seem “totally different” from your colleagues, while working in the same job description. You could also be the “mirror image” of your friend in likes and dislikes, and be in an entirely different occupation. You get the picture. Remember that you are on your path for a reason. God designed you specifically. He had a particular purpose in mind. While you continue walking in the way God wants you to go, He will surely bring you to the intersection of His will and your opportunity to do some Godly good.

Cross-referencing your personality with your experiences at different intervals may provide insight about where your life path is focused. In the following activity, you will add details of your personality to your Elements Chart. Since you are dynamic in that God gives you the ability to choose and change – attitudes, likes, dislikes, etc., a personality measurement taken today is not necessarily the picture of your entire existence. Hopefully, there have been some changes that indicate your progressing spiritual maturity.

Use the following procedure to update your Elements Chart with details of your personality type.

  1. Add an additional column to your Elements Chart.
  2. Name the new column “MBTI” (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) (the personality type marker you will record).
  3. Choose an event (row) described on your Elements Chart.
    Note: Be sure to add events from your experience if you have not included all that you remember.
  4. Go to: Find Your Calling (by ChristianVolunteering.org).
  5. Click Personality Test and follow the prompts to continue.
  6. Considering the event you chose in step 3, answer the MBTI test questions. As you answer each question, try to respond as you might have at the time of the chosen event in your life.
  7. In the Personality Q&A column of your Elements Chart, record the personality type returned as a result of your answers to the MBTI test questions in step 6.
  8. For each personality type identified, read the related documentation.
  9. Repeat the MBTI test for each event included on your Elements Chart and record the type.

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